I agree with Brown and Gallego. With Tester, I think he has a small but real chance. He usually overperforms but I think Sheehy has been performing decently well. I just don’t know if the Libertarian vote will be enough to drag Teater over the finish line, though
I read somewhere that MT is difficult to poll, it’s got a more complicated system - it was a long post and I didn’t bookmark it. That person lived in MT and basically said you kinda have to be boots on the ground to get the wind direction. Poster felt Tester will win. I’m also looking at photos for turnout the average Joe has been posting - these venues look full. Door knockers too are out in force. Now ti sheehy - had a bad interview with megyn Kelly , and those allegations are sticking to him like glue. I’m not there- I’m in CO so that’s why I’m a bit more interested in The West - also a home in MN . In general, libertarian votes don’t necessarily equate to T votes - I mean don’t tread on me types are not going to elect a dictator . Remember when they invited T ti speak at the libertarian convention ? He was heckled relentlessly . In my neck of the woods , those folks supported him in ‘16 but not so much now. Anyway - sent my $ and prayers to tester . Appreciate your write up
i moved to florida i. 1997 to help protect endangered species. i’ve been trapped here ever since.
never will i understand these stupid fucks voting for rick scott.
A lot of independent analysts have Brown, tester, Gallegos winning. Have you seen the Indian nations turnout in MT? Someone has posted it.
I agree with Brown and Gallego. With Tester, I think he has a small but real chance. He usually overperforms but I think Sheehy has been performing decently well. I just don’t know if the Libertarian vote will be enough to drag Teater over the finish line, though
I read somewhere that MT is difficult to poll, it’s got a more complicated system - it was a long post and I didn’t bookmark it. That person lived in MT and basically said you kinda have to be boots on the ground to get the wind direction. Poster felt Tester will win. I’m also looking at photos for turnout the average Joe has been posting - these venues look full. Door knockers too are out in force. Now ti sheehy - had a bad interview with megyn Kelly , and those allegations are sticking to him like glue. I’m not there- I’m in CO so that’s why I’m a bit more interested in The West - also a home in MN . In general, libertarian votes don’t necessarily equate to T votes - I mean don’t tread on me types are not going to elect a dictator . Remember when they invited T ti speak at the libertarian convention ? He was heckled relentlessly . In my neck of the woods , those folks supported him in ‘16 but not so much now. Anyway - sent my $ and prayers to tester . Appreciate your write up